Notable and Nearby Accommodations for the 2022 INOA Rip Van Norton Rally

Blackthorne Resort
348 Sunside Road, East Durham, NY 12423
0 miles / 0 min from Rally (this is the Rally Site)

Blackthorne Resort has about 100 RV sites, tent sites, and rooms available to rent. Abundant bathrooms and shower facilities, pool and other amenities are onsite.

RV and tent site rates are listed on their website: or call (518) 634-2541

Book your accommodations directly through the Blackthorne Resort (518) 634-2541 and be sure to tell the person you speak to that we have the Norton Rally rate. The room rate includes a meal plan that provides 5 Breakfasts and 3 dinners. The other 2 dinners Tuesday night and the Awards Dinner on Thursday night will provided by the Rally, in the same dining room, for everyone at the rally. The rates we have for rooms for the Norton Rally at the Blackthorne are as follows:

Double-occupancy rates:
A. Level Room for 5 nights =  $419.00 per person
B. Level Room for 5 nights =  $369.00 per person
C. Level Room for 5 nights =  $328.00 per person

Note: As stated on Blackthorne’s website Room rates are based on 2 or more people to a room. There is a 25% surcharge for single-occupancy. Save money by rooming with a friend.

RV Rentals

If you are interested in renting an RV check out These are RVs rented by individual owners. Enter “East Durham, NY” for listings near the rally site. Many offer delivery, with fees that vary. Each RV ad has multiple photos, including interior. Each offers different amenities, bedding, towels, cooking utensils etc. so be sure to ask the owner about what they provide. The prices vary.

There are many B&Bs, motels, and hotels within 2 to 20 minutes country drive from the rally site!

Nearby accommodations by rating:

Nearby accommodations by price: